Payment Info

These are the current payment options I have available at this time for commissions:


Before you order a commission, please be sure to check here for any specific questions you may have! Have a question not mentioned here? You can reach out to me by one of the options provided in the "Contact me" page!

Are these prices final?

Well, yes for the most part. Depending on the complexity of the piece (i.e: Background request, character details, more than one person on the page, lettering complexity, etc), which might in turn affect the base price. Once I see what you are looking to do and get the sketch done, I will be able to determine fully what the price will be looking like.

How long does it take usually to get a piece completed?

I usually tell people it will take a week max. I do work a full-time job that keeps my attention all day and sometimes I am honestly mentally exhausted to do anything. I do work hard on the piece and make my deadline. If there are any delays, I will let you know ASAP.

What if I want a refund for my commission?

Sometimes, things may happen and a commission would need to be refunded, be it for any reason. I do take pride in my work and the money I earn is used towards an emergency fund or towards upgrading my computer and other art-related needs, but if there's something going on, then I can issue a full refund. For some reason our exchange isn't the best through it and you cancel with ill intention, no refund will be given. I doubt that will happen, but this is a worst-case scenario.

If I'm unable to afford a commission at this time, what can I do?

Well, there's a few things actually. Sharing my info wherever you can always helps to spread the word! If you have a few dollars to spare, you can donate through Ko-Fi or Paypal if you prefer. I have some further information about donations on my Ko-Fi page and how that works! I also will occasionally take an art trade or two, but that's if I am particularly slow. If you're looking to discuss other options of payment, then you can contact me!

What if there's a question I have not answered here?

Then you can reach out to me through one of my methods shown in "Contact Me" page! I always encourage you to ask anything on your mind regarding your commission!